Let’s face it, “life happens” and it happens to all of us!
If you would like guidance or support, a trained professional can help you navigate whatever life throws your way. With almost two decades of experience, Mickey Simpson, licensed psychotherapist, can help move you from a place of pain to a place of power.
- Empower Counseling Services offers mental health counseling
- Session Options:
- Secure Virtual Sessions
- In-office
- Telephonic
- Consulting strategies include:
- Cognitive behavioral therapy, behavioral modification, and solution-focused
- Session Options:
Virtual Therapy fits great if you . . .
- Desire to pay-in-full instead of using insurance
& HSA’s or insurance too
- Live in a rural Kansas and/or Missouri area without appealing options (Serving Kansas and Missouri residents only at this time)
- High level professional seeking convenience and privacy
- Want to choose your own counselor, not limited by insurance referrals
- Prefer anonymity (Don’t want others knowing your personal business)
- Lack scheduling flexibility at work
- Have a chronic illness: multiple sclerosis, immune system deficiencies, or other life-altering diagnoses, etc.
- Cherish your independence despite mobility limitations
- Are a busy parent with no time to find childcare or to schedule around extracurricular activities
- Research shows these models are just useful as “traditional, in-office” counseling
Traditional in-office counseling is also available, utilizing private-pay or most major insurance options.
My ultimate goal is to reach individuals who don’t want to seek help through traditional channels due to the societal stigmas surrounding mental health.
The best way out…is always through. – H. K.
As a mandated reporter for the States of Kansas and Missouri, all clients, regardless of payment type, face the same guidelines based on the ethics of being a Licensed Specialist Clinical Social Worker (L.S.C.S.W.) and a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (L.C.S.W.). It is a social workers duty to maintain confidentiality, as well as report suspected child or elder abuse. Act proactively in the event of harm, via a plan for suicidality or homicidality. In the event that the Clinician is ordered by a judge to hand over documentation or appear in court, the Clinician will do so.
In the event your mental health concerns are an emergency and cannot wait for a response, please contact your local emergency room and/or call 911.